Dhs. 11,954.00

incl. 19% VAT

9" C-45 Moldavite, White Light Aura Gold Frosted Inside™ by Crystal Tones®

Alchemy Studio GbR

Only 0 left in stock


The Moldavite Alchemy Bowl is an extraordinary fusion of Moldavite's celestial energy and the pure essence of quartz crystal, forming a potent alliance that creates a bridge between ethereal realms and the core of human experience. Moldavite, a rare green tektite meteorite born from cosmic interactions, holds the vibrational imprint of its celestial journey, linking the stardust wisdom of the crown chakra with the compassionate insight of the heart.

Energetic Synergy
As these meteoric gems intertwine with quartz crystal, the resulting synergy becomes a conduit for transcendent energies, activating not only the crown and heart chakras but harmonizing all energy centers at elevated inter-dimensional frequencies. This harmonization serves as a catalyst for profound spiritual growth, enabling individuals to explore and actualize their life potential.

Mantra and Symbolism
Moldavite carries with it the essence of ancient cosmic forces, resonating with the mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" and connecting practitioners with the divine, invoking the transformative power of Lord Shiva. The deep green hue symbolizes the interplay between the celestial and earthly realms.

Spiritual Benefits
The spiritual benefits of this crystalline union are manifold. Moldavite's energy facilitates spiritual transformation by acting as a conduit for higher guidance and cosmic wisdom, serving as a spiritual accelerator on the path of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Quartz Crystal Enhancement
The quartz crystal, known for its clarity and amplifying properties, further enhances Moldavite's energy, creating a dynamic force that cleanses, revitalizes, and aligns the entire energy system. Together, they facilitate communication with higher realms, opening channels for receiving guidance and intuitive insights.

Celestial Bridge and Transformation
Crafted from the cosmic dance of Moldavite and quartz crystal, this celestial bridge becomes a sacred tool for those seeking to deepen their spiritual journey. It awakens dormant aspects of the self, encourages the release of old patterns and limitations, and paves the way for profound transformation and a heightened sense of purpose.

Planetary Resonance
Resonating with the energy of the planet Mercury, the Moldavite invites individuals to transcend earthly boundaries and embrace the expansive realms of higher consciousness. The celestial bridge, a testament to the cosmic forces at play, invites you on an extraordinary journey of spiritual awakening and transformation.

"Om Namah Shivaya"

"I embrace the cosmic wisdom within and connect with the transformative power of Lord Shiva. Moldavite guides me on a journey of spiritual growth and self-discovery."

Cosmic Energy

Lord Shiva


Questions & Videos 

If you would like a recording, or a free consultation to guide you to your bowl/s. Mail to: hello@alchemysoundstudio.com or +4915146447210 - We are so happy to answer your questions and to help!

*Tax & Import

– VAT is included in the price for the European Union.

– UK/Worldwide prices do not include VAT. Your local import charges will apply. If you are unsure how much please contact us.

The Region, Currency and Taxation can be switched at the Checkout.

Payment & Shipping

– Free shipping to Europe & United Kingdom, about 100 $ to US and Asia.

– All safely packed bowls are by courier + come with a tracking number, and are insured. 

– We ship on payment, or within 5 business days

All our Bowls are the unique high quality CRYSTAL TONES® ALCHEMY SINGING BOWLS. 

The size often defines how deep or high a sound is. Taller bowls most of the time have a longer lasting deeper sound, the smaller a bowl the higher and more uplifting the sound.

You know best what you are looking for. If this is your first bowl we recommend that you take a middle sized bowl (7''-9'').

If you already have one bowl or a set of bowl its completely up to you what you feel will support and soothe you the most.

If you already have an alchemy bowl or are looking for a special note you can read our little note guide or simply ask us for advice.

The Notes are said work together with the Chakras.

B: 7th Sahasrara – Crown – Pineal Gland – Spirituality, Knowing

A & A#: 6th Ajna - Third Eye – Pituitary Gland – Awareness, Intuition

G & G#: 5th Vishuddha – Throat – Thyroid Gland – Communication

F & F#: 4th Anahata – Heart – Thymus Gland – Love, Healing

E: 3rd Manipura – Solar Plexus – Pancreas – Wisdom, Power

D & D#: 2nd Svadhishthana – Sacral – Adrenal Glands - Sexuality, Creativity

C & C#: 1st Muladhara – Root – Ovaries, Testes - Basic Trust, Tribe


If you already have a bowl or a set of bowl we recommend to find bowls that are harmonious with the one you already have. This means that you would only combine plus notes or minus notes toghether.

Videos, Shipping & Tax

Questions & Videos 

If you would like a recording, or a free consultation to guide you to your bowl/s. Mail to: hello@alchemysoundstudio.com or +4915146447210 - We are so happy to answer your questions and to help!

*Tax & Import

– VAT is included in the price for the European Union.

– UK/Worldwide prices do not include VAT. Your local import charges will apply. If you are unsure how much please contact us.

The Region, Currency and Taxation can be switched at the Checkout.

Payment & Shipping

– Free shipping to Europe & United Kingdom, about 100 $ to US and Asia.

– All safely packed bowls are by courier + come with a tracking number, and are insured. 

– We ship on payment, or within 5 business days

All our Bowls are the unique high quality CRYSTAL TONES® ALCHEMY SINGING BOWLS. 


The size often defines how deep or high a sound is. Taller bowls most of the time have a longer lasting deeper sound, the smaller a bowl the higher and more uplifting the sound.

You know best what you are looking for. If this is your first bowl we recommend that you take a middle sized bowl (7''-9'').

If you already have one bowl or a set of bowl its completely up to you what you feel will support and soothe you the most.


If you already have an alchemy bowl or are looking for a special note you can read our little note guide or simply ask us for advice.

The Notes are said work together with the Chakras.

B: 7th Sahasrara – Crown – Pineal Gland – Spirituality, Knowing

A & A#: 6th Ajna - Third Eye – Pituitary Gland – Awareness, Intuition

G & G#: 5th Vishuddha – Throat – Thyroid Gland – Communication

F & F#: 4th Anahata – Heart – Thymus Gland – Love, Healing

E: 3rd Manipura – Solar Plexus – Pancreas – Wisdom, Power

D & D#: 2nd Svadhishthana – Sacral – Adrenal Glands - Sexuality, Creativity

C & C#: 1st Muladhara – Root – Ovaries, Testes - Basic Trust, Tribe


If you already have a bowl or a set of bowl we recommend to find bowls that are harmonious with the one you already have. This means that you would only combine plus notes or minus notes toghether.