Ocean Indium Alchemy

    Stability - Bravery - Blessing

    Balancing Dance:
    Enhancing the Androgynous Self - This deeply violet-hue iridescent crystal singing bowl contains Indium, a non-synthesised natural substance which facilitates vitamin and mineral absorption; balancing physical body alignment; centring, clearing and integrating male/female aspects of self. Radiating the violet light of ascension (I am one), the androgynous Indium crystal singing bowl illuminates one's interior life, welcoming and harmonising all aspects of self. Embracing the physical shift to male/female balance, we fully dance the expanded frequencies of enlightenment, which transcend cultural programming and/or redundant belief systems. 

    Daring Heart:
    The soft and nurturing embrace of our love source, with the strength of ageless wisdom, grace and healing. Pink Ocean Gold sings of the power of the heart in accomplishing a life well lived through compassion and courage.

    Element: Water, Air

    Chakra: Sacral, Heart



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