Pink Himalayan Salt Alchemy
Emotional Clearing & Heart Healing:
Himalayan Salt is formed from dried up ocean water from over 250 million years ago. This ancient salt is fossilized over 850 yards below the Himalayan Mountains.
The sound of the Pink Himalayan Alchemy is excellent for all forms of love, especially self-love. Its pink color emits a vibration of (self) love, and personal empowerment.
The frequency of the salt allow one to find a sense of purpose, to live a healthier lifestyle, learning to say no to negativity, or to take time for personal recreation and enjoyment. It has energetic properties like grounding, and protecting against negative energies. Its grounding vibrations will encourage a person to want to live a healthier lifestyle and stand their ground in setting boundaries with their loved ones.
Beautiful and millions of years old the, crystal salt in this bowl, is known for its ability to ionize the air, thus enhancing your well being and improving your health. Negative ions are essential for our health and well-being. The freshness of the air after a thunderstorm, on a mountain top, or by the seaside, is due to the high concentration of negative ions in the air.
For thousands of years the energy of salt has been used as a form of protection. You can use salt to protect your space from unwelcome spirits.