pink Azeztulite Pink Aura Gold Crystal Singing Bowl

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8" F# -45 Azeztulite, Pink Aura Gold Bowl™ by Crystal Tones®

Alchemy Studio GbR

Only 1 left in stock

Azeztulite, the celestial connector of the 'I AM' energy, beckons us into the luminous realms beyond the veil. This pristine white variety of quartz carries within it the essence of spiritual illumination, serving as a bridge between our earthly existence and the sublime dimensions beyond.

As we attune to the ethereal frequencies of Azeztulite, a profound transformation unfolds within us. Its radiant energy penetrates our cellular being, dissolving the barriers of limitation and allowing our consciousness to expand into realms of higher awareness. With each resonant pulse, our third eye and crown chakras awaken, and the dormant energies of the etheric body are stirred into vibrant activation.

Through the alchemical power of Azeztulite, disease and discord are gently swept away, leaving behind a state of harmonious balance and radiant vitality. We find ourselves walking in the world with grace and ease, anchored in the knowing that we are beings of light, not bound by the constraints of the material realm.

Merkaba ascension is facilitated as we align with the cosmic currents, riding the waves of universal consciousness with effortless grace. Azeztulite, as the emissary of the Great Central Sun, guides us on a journey of personal and collective evolution, ushering in the dawning Age of Awareness.

With each invocation of the sacred mantra "AUM," we deepen our connection to the divine source, drawing upon the limitless power of creation to manifest our highest potential. In the embrace of this celestial gem, we find solace in the presence of the divine, knowing that we are forever held in the loving embrace of the cosmos.


The Great Central Sun



Pink Aura

"Mary Magdalene fully embodies her body, femininity, womb, sensuality, and sexuality, being fully connected with Mother Earth. The Pink Aura Gold Bowl carries Mary Magdalene’s energy, embodying the nurturing mother. It is gentle, intuitive, and compassionate, harmoniously balancing the feminine energetics of healing and softness with the masculine energetics of might and perseverance.

Communion with the energy of Mary Magdalene invites us to surrender to the healing power of love, fostering cooperation between masculine and feminine qualities. Surrender encourages greater sensitivity to inner guidance, the willingness to embrace the call of our hearts, and the fortitude to acknowledge limiting habits.

The radiant healing love source vibration guides the heart to inspire the mind. Pink Aura Gold's soft and gentle energy, combined with its enchanting and radiant nature, touches the heart with its frequency.

Mary Magdalene wishes to support you in finding your inner strength, guiding you to explore the portals within you, tasting the sacred nectar that aligns with your beautiful soul. Your love and alchemy await discovery within you.

In her earthly incarnation, Mary Magdalene was healed, whole, a priestess of the Isis Temple, and an embodiment of the Goddess Sophia. She shares the secrets of a balanced, wise, and unconditionally loving Being who harmonized the Divine masculine and feminine within. Mary Magdalene helps you flow with the changing tides of time, embracing the rise of the Divine Feminine, despite historical dishonor. She rejoices in witnessing the resurgence of the sacred feminine energy.

Chant the sacred mantra 'Ave Maria' to further invoke the blessings of Mary Magdalene and connect with the divine feminine energy.

Goddess Sophia
Sophia, often referred to as the Goddess of Wisdom, represents the divine feminine wisdom and spiritual essence. She is a symbol of transcendent wisdom, embracing the balance of both masculine and feminine energies. As an archetype of wisdom, Sophia guides the seeker towards inner illumination, encouraging a harmonious integration of knowledge and intuition.

Isis, a revered goddess in ancient Egyptian mythology, is often depicted as the ideal mother and wife. She embodies the qualities of nurturing, healing, and magical prowess. Isis is associated with motherhood, fertility, and the protection of the family. As a powerful and compassionate goddess, Isis brings forth the energy of transformation, emphasizing the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth. Her wisdom extends to the mysteries of the universe, symbolizing the interconnectedness of all things."

"Om Shakti Om"
"Ave Maria"

"I surrender to the healing power of love. My heart is a sanctuary of balance and wisdom, guided by the harmonious energies of Mary Magdalene."


Mary Magdalene - Embodiment of the Goddess Sophia and priestess of the Isis Temple, a symbol of balanced, wise, and unconditionally loving divine feminine energy.

Crystal Tones Logo

Crystal Tones® Alchemy Bowls™ · The Original Singing Bowls

Elevate your sound with the extraordinary resonance you will only experience with Original Crystal Tones® Alchemy Bowls™.

Crafted from 99.99% pure crystal quartz, each bowl is a unique masterpiece, embodying the essence of high-quality alchemy.

About Alchemy Bowls

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Questions & Videos 

If you would like an additional recording, or a free consultation to guide you to your bowl/s. Mail to: or whatsapp us to +4915146447210 - We are so happy to answer any question and to help you find the perfect bowl for your needs.

*Tax & Import

– VAT is included in the price for the European Union.
– UK/Worldwide prices do not include VAT. Your local import charges will apply. If you are unsure how much please contact us.

The Region, Currency and Taxation can be switched at the Checkout.

Payment & Shipping

– Free shipping to Europe & United Kingdom, about 100 $ to US and Asia.
– All safely packed bowls are by courier + come with a tracking number, and are insured. 
– We ship on payment, or within 5 business days

All our Bowls are the unique high quality CRYSTAL TONES® ALCHEMY SINGING BOWLS - Click here to find out more

The size often defines how deep or high a sound is. Taller bowls most of the time have a longer lasting deeper sound, the smaller a bowl the higher and more uplifting the sound.

You know best what you are looking for. If this is your first bowl we recommend that you take a middle sized bowl (7''-9'').

If you already have one bowl or a set of bowl its completely up to you what you feel will support and soothe you the most.

If you already have an alchemy bowl or are looking for a special note you can read our little note guide or simply ask us for advice. The Notes work in accordance with the Chakras:

B · 7th Sahasrara – Crown – Pineal Gland – Spirituality, Knowing

A & A# · 6th Ajna - Third Eye – Pituitary Gland – Awareness, Intuition

G & G# · 5th Vishuddha – Throat – Thyroid Gland – Communication

F & F# · 4th Anahata – Heart – Thymus Gland – Love, Healing

E · 3rd Manipura – Solar Plexus – Pancreas – Wisdom, Power

D & D# · 2nd Svadhishthana – Sacral – Adrenal Glands - Sexuality, Creativity

C & C# · 1st Muladhara – Root – Ovaries, Testes - Basic Trust, Tribe

If you already have a bowl or a set of bowl we recommend to find bowls that are harmonious with the one you already have. This means that you would only combine plus notes or minus notes toghether.

About Alchemy Bowls™

Crystal Tones Logo

Crystal Tones® Alchemy Bowls™ · The Original Singing Bowls

Elevate your sound with the extraordinary resonance you will only experience with Original Crystal Tones® Alchemy Bowls™.

Crafted from 99.99% pure crystal quartz, each bowl is a unique masterpiece, embodying the essence of high-quality alchemy.

About Alchemy Bowls

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Videos, Shipping & Tax

Questions & Videos 

If you would like an additional recording, or a free consultation to guide you to your bowl/s. Mail to: or whatsapp us to +4915146447210 - We are so happy to answer any question and to help you find the perfect bowl for your needs.

*Tax & Import

– VAT is included in the price for the European Union.
– UK/Worldwide prices do not include VAT. Your local import charges will apply. If you are unsure how much please contact us.

The Region, Currency and Taxation can be switched at the Checkout.

Payment & Shipping

– Free shipping to Europe & United Kingdom, about 100 $ to US and Asia.
– All safely packed bowls are by courier + come with a tracking number, and are insured. 
– We ship on payment, or within 5 business days

All our Bowls are the unique high quality CRYSTAL TONES® ALCHEMY SINGING BOWLS - Click here to find out more


The size often defines how deep or high a sound is. Taller bowls most of the time have a longer lasting deeper sound, the smaller a bowl the higher and more uplifting the sound.

You know best what you are looking for. If this is your first bowl we recommend that you take a middle sized bowl (7''-9'').

If you already have one bowl or a set of bowl its completely up to you what you feel will support and soothe you the most.

Notes Guide

If you already have an alchemy bowl or are looking for a special note you can read our little note guide or simply ask us for advice. The Notes work in accordance with the Chakras:

B · 7th Sahasrara – Crown – Pineal Gland – Spirituality, Knowing

A & A# · 6th Ajna - Third Eye – Pituitary Gland – Awareness, Intuition

G & G# · 5th Vishuddha – Throat – Thyroid Gland – Communication

F & F# · 4th Anahata – Heart – Thymus Gland – Love, Healing

E · 3rd Manipura – Solar Plexus – Pancreas – Wisdom, Power

D & D# · 2nd Svadhishthana – Sacral – Adrenal Glands - Sexuality, Creativity

C & C# · 1st Muladhara – Root – Ovaries, Testes - Basic Trust, Tribe

If you already have a bowl or a set of bowl we recommend to find bowls that are harmonious with the one you already have. This means that you would only combine plus notes or minus notes toghether.